When you purchase a beautiful home on land in Helena, Alabama, the last thing you want to be concerned with is the water quality. Unfortunately, this home had an older, out-dated filtration system that needed a lot of repairs and upgrades. The new owners had trusted us with water in their previous house and they didn't want to worry about maintaining the existing filtration system. We tested the well water and found high amounts of iron, low pH, and hard water. We removed the old filtration system and installed a Dual tank iron filtration system to filter the iron and raise the pH. Then we installed a SmartChoice HE water softener to soften the water. We installed an ultraviolet light to sanitize the water and a PureChoice reverse osmosis drinking water system to purify the drinking and cooking water. This whole home filtration system is a significant upgrade from the older chemical injection system and it requires very little maintenance.

Well water filtration system installed in Helena Alabama
Aqua Systems Birmingham